St. Anthony Youth Fellowship – SCROLL DOWN TO SIGN UP

“Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them;
for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew: 19:14.

Dear Parents,

In an effort to keep our children together and close to the church, we have decided to organize a few gatherings via Zoom thru the Fall. We understand that our children have many demands on their time and do not wish to add to their burdens. We rather wish to offer an opportunity to come together in fellowship and fun  with our church friends! 

These fellowship groups will meet only once a month on Sundays thru Zoom after the livestream Divine Liturgy. We have limited the time to just 30 minutes (11:30 am to noon). Our goal is for them to interact with one another in a fun and safe environment. This will not be a lesson however, we will all learn something about our Faith with our church friends.

We have included a flyer with our scheduled dates in October. Please register below so that we can properly prepare for our attendees and email you the Zoom logon information.

We want everyone to participate! Don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity!

May our Lord continue to bless our St Anthony community abundantly.


Fr. Peter Stratos & Fr. Chris Retelas