Greek Dance
We currently offer dance groups from four-years old to those in their thirties. Most of these groups compete at the annual Folk Dance Festival (FDF), sponsored by the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco. Throughout the year, dance groups perform at Greek Festivals and other venues such as our Preview Night Glendi and various Diakonia (service) events.
Our focus is aimed at providing a positive experience for all dancers. Our mission is:
- To cultivate our children’s appreciation of their cultural heritage through dance,
- To provide a youth ministry for the church, and
- To foster lifetime friendships with fellow Orthodox Christians.
During the year, we also offer Adult Dance Classes “Dance for Fun”. The first group of lessons will be in October. Dates: Oct 1, 8, 15, 22, with a recommended donation of $100.
During the year, we also offer Adult Dance Classes “Dance for Fun” in October. Dates: Oct-3, 10, 17, 24.
Information: [email protected]
We welcome new dancers!
How To Register
Complete the Registration Form. For more information regarding groups and registration requirements, email us at or [email protected] or contact the church office