HomeOrthodox education
Studies in the faith

It is important to offer edifying and uplifting education for all of our faithful, as well as any inquirers of the Orthodox Faith.

Please be sure to check our parish calendar for the most updated information regarding Orthodox Education opportunities.

“A Journey to Fullness” A [RE]Introduction to Orthodoxy

Bible Study
Studies in the Faith

Fall Session, 2024 – Sept. 30th – Nov. 18th

Our text for the 2024 Studies in the Faith class will be, The Orthodox Faith, “Doctrine

and Scripture,” Volume 1, by Fr. Thomas Hopko. Our class for this year, will be taught

over 8 class sessions, meeting on Monday evenings 6:30 – 7:30 pm.

These informative classes will serve as an excellent introduction to the Orthodox Faith

for those interested in the Orthodox Church. This series of classes will also provide an

inspiring enrichment and review for practicing Orthodox Christians.

*Reading each week’s assigned chapter and participating in class discussions is

encouraged to ensure that the sessions become an exciting and meaningful experience for

all participants. For those interested in this year’s class please email Fr. Peter. At this

address: frpeter@saint-anthonys.org

* Google SVS Press, go to the Find a Book search  tab at the top of page, and type in:

Volume 1 Doctrine and Scripture. The cost of the book is $23. (Please order your copy as

soon as possible).


Introductory Session – Monday Sept. 30th

Chapter One: “Sources of Christian Doctrine”

Second Session – Monday Oct. 7th

Chapter Two: “The Symbol of Faith”

Third Session – Monday Oct. 14th

Chapter Three: “The Holy Trinity”

Fourth Session – Monday Oct. 21st

Chapter Four: “The Bible”

Fifth Session – Monday Oct. 28th

Chapter Five: “Old Testament”

Sixth Session – Monday Nov. 04th

Chapter Six: “New Testament”

Seventh Session – Nov. 11th

Chapter Seven: “Salvation History”

Eighth Session – Monday Nov. 18th

Chapter Eight: “Great Week and Pascha”