Sunday School Fellowship

HomeSunday School Fellowship

Welcome to the 2024-2025 Sunday School Fellowship year!

It is with great joy that we welcome back the youth of St. Anthony to this year’s Sunday School Fellowship! We invite all school-aged children (4 years old by December 31st, 2024 through high school) to come worship together on Sunday, September 8th followed by our first Sunday day of classes. Classes will meet each Sunday, directly following Holy Communion from 11:00 am to 11:45 am, with few exceptions. Please refer to the Church School Calendar for more specific details.

The St. Anthony Church School program is a vibrant and vital ministry provided for our youth. Each Sunday, faithful and dedicated teachers prepare well-planned, and age-appropriate, lessons for their students based on selected themes. Students who attend classes regularly benefit from a continuum of lessons that delve deeply into their theme and explicitly teach them about our ancient, yet living Holy Orthodox Faith. The Church School year will run from September 8 through May 18. 

We would like to get an idea of enrollment and class sizes for planning purposes. Please let us know if your child/children will be attending in-person classes this year and what grade they are entering by filling out the following online form: Fill out registration form, click here

We look forward to a fun Sunday School Fellowship year! 

Contact Sophia Syrengelas with any questions click here to email

We will continue to provide individual supplies for students when necessary, hand sanitizer, and increased ventilation in our classrooms.